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Implementing a preventive maintenance model in a facilities department can be challenging, even for the most seasoned facility professionals. Many times facility teams are so overloaded with reactive, last-minute maintenance and repairs hardly breath, let alone think about tackling more proactive maintenance. This often leads to plans for a preventive maintenance strategy falling on the back burner.

To break the reactive cycle, facility teams need a series of tools to effectively strategize for their department. But the tools needed to set a preventive maintenance plan in motion can’t be found in a warehouse or garage.

Preventive maintenance plans require a repeatable three-step system to be effective. Data Updating and Recording Auditing and Inspecting Budgeting and Planning. For this reason, we’ve put together the Facility

Management Preventive

Maintenance Toolkit. Inside you’ll find a combination of easy-to-understand information paired with free tools and resources to use in your own department.

Specifically, you’ll be introduced to:

  • Digging Through Data why finding the right facility data is the first step that building managers should take when preparing to implement a preventive maintenance plan

  • Using Audits vs. Inspections

  • How facility audits and inspections are different, how they can be used, ways to
    document them in a facility management software and why they can help your team
    provide safer, more accessible spaces for occupants

  • Breaking Down Budgeting Barriers

  • Ways to structure and communicate a facility management budget to leadership teams
    so they are more likely to fund your projects

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Maintenance Assistant

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